Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How do you get through the holidays while eating right?

Thanksgiving is over and you overate the mashed potatoes, dinner rolls, and cranberry sauce. The holidays are tough for everyone when it comes to dieting so don't sweat. Remember a diet is not a temporary solution but a lifestyle change. Think of it this way if you don't change your lifestyle then you will be stuck forever worrying about weight issues. You will age faster too, and your muscle mass will suffer.

So how do we overcome these problems on the holidays when the stockings are waiting to be filled with candy and family dinners are at their most unhealthy? The answer is really simple, but it might sound especially strange if you aren't used to thinking out of the box in this particular area. So here are 5 simple steps to minimize the damage from Christmas and New years, and next year take it a bit easier on yourself for Thanksgiving also.

1.) Fill yourself with more of the Turkey, Goose, Ham, or whatever your prime meat source is. Don't worry there is more than enough!

2.) Stuff your stockings full of exotic jerky instead of eating candy. What better time to try something new than Christmas.

3.) Consider having a pre-dinner meal packed with protein and only eat the minimal amount of bad food at the table. It makes you look like less of a heavy eater while keeping meat at the forefront of your diet.

4.) Take all of the days between the actual holidays to push your workouts just a little further. You might consume a ton of calories on the holidays but you can definitely make the difference with almost a month of off-holiday time. Take a brisk walk around a neighborhood with nice Christmas lights, just be careful of the drivers.

5.) Use some weight machines, go find a gym and get some muscle tone. With all of this protein you can tone up your body and make it look even better.

Start the new year looking great and keep it! Remember it is a lifestyle change not a temporary fix.

For more information on how to diet right visit:

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